New Scholar Series Application Guidelines

 The New Scholar Series has concluded.

We are no longer accepting proposals for this program

In a proposal of no more than three pages, please include:

  • Description of the curricular area in which your department or program will be requesting funding.
  • Outline of the proposed activity for your New Scholar Series. Please indicate how this activity will benefit the school, department, or program—including how scholars’ contributions will enhance ideas about the curriculum.
  • Plan for developing a participant list. If you have already identified participants, please include the names of invitees.
  • Budget for the proposed series.
    • C3 covers transportation, accommodation, and meals for the new scholars and will reimburse up to $10,000.
    • The host liberal arts college is responsible for costs associated with on-campus events and any related meals, whether on or off campus. Please explain any financial contributions the institution will make.
  • Explanation of how you would share what you learn from the New Scholar Series with a broader audience, either on your home campus, within your professional organizations, or both.

In addition, please submit a letter of support from your institution’s Chief Academic Officer (CAO), describing how the institution approves tenure-track lines, where the department or program is in the process of receiving approval for a line, and when the department or program envisions hiring a candidate. The CAO’s letter should also comment on the capacity of department or program for engaging a diverse student body and address how the department or program has considered social justice and diversity in its approach to both faculty hiring and curricular development.

We hope that the New Scholar Series will:

  • help departments and programs to understand new areas of scholarship prior to requesting tenure-track lines;
  • help departments and programs to better cultivate their applications for tenure-track lines;
  • help Chief Academic Advisors and Chief Diversity Officers to introduce curricular innovation to more traditional fields (eg: Classics, Philosophy).

Expectations of Award Recipients

  • A short, follow-up report will be expected of the department or program.

> New Scholar Series description
> Call for Proposals
> Application Guidelines
> Criteria for Evaluation