C3/LADO University Visits

The C3/LADO visits to Columbia University, University of California–Berkeley, University of Chicago, and University of Michigan were initially designed by Dr. Josephine Moreno to cultivate interest in liberal arts colleges and to introduce liberal arts college teaching opportunities to underrepresented graduate students.

Attended by graduate students, as well as by LADO and university faculty and institutional leaders, these events provided a wealth of information about academic life at liberal arts colleges and the faculty job search process. Through shared meals, discipline-specific workshops, and drop-in Q&A sessions, attendees established personal connections and discover opportunities for collaboration.

On February 21, faculty members from LADO and C3 institutions virtually visited the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan to speak with graduate students and postdocs. See here for a recording of the main roundtable, “Academic and Social Life at Liberal Arts Colleges.”

C3 and LADO arranged virtual visits to three C3 partner institutions in 2021. Liberal arts college faculty and administrators held a joint event at University of Chicago and the University of Michigan on Thursday, March 4 and another at UC Berkeley on Thursday, April 1.

In 2019, C3 and LADO faculty members visited: Columbia University (April 8-9), UC Berkeley (April 15-16), the University of Chicago (May 16-17), and the University of Michigan (October 21-22). A second visit to UC Berkeley was held September 23-24.

In Spring 2018, C3 and LADO held campus visits at UChicago (April 5 and 6) and UC Berkeley (April 16 and 17). They visited the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan on October 25-26, 2018.

In Fall 2017, C3 and LADO visited the University of Michigan on October 2 and 3 and Columbia University on October 16 and 17. A prior Spring visit was held at the University of Chicago on April 6 and 7 (organized by UChicagoGRAD in conjunction with the GRADUCon career conference).

In Spring 2016, C3 and LADO held a campus visit at the University of Chicago on April 7 and 8. In Fall 2016, C3 and LADO visited the University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University, and University of Michigan campuses: UC Berkeley on September 26 and 27,  Columbia on October 17 and 18, and Michigan on October 10 and 11. 

C3 and LADO visited the University of California, Berkeley, on September 21 and 22. The Columbia University visit took place on September 28 and 29. For a complete schedule of events, download the C3 Campus visits flyer – Berkeley or 2015 Campus visits flyer – Columbia.

In Fall 2014, C3 and LADO visited the University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia University campuses: UC Berkeley on September 29 and 30, and Columbia on October 6 and 7. Download the University of California, Berkeley program or Columbia University program.

Two full-day workshops were held in the fall of 2013 at the University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia University: UC Berkeley on September 16 and 17, and Columbia on November 1. View the 2013 program of events.